

Sunday, March 23, 2014

ScumPack 2.0 files

Mod Pack downloads

Configs -- testing complete

Mods -- testing complete

Client-side mods download -- testing complete

These files are being updated frequently as the server is tested (so if there's no link, come to IRC for the most recent copy).
IP for the test server is: unavailable

Client-Side Mods
The mods folder does NOT contain client-side mods (like the mini-map) because the download is a direct, clean copy from the server itself, and the server does not need client-side mods.

I've collected some useful client-side mods that you can download separately, and simply copy/paste the contents into your mods folder.

The download above contains the following:
Zan's mini-map (enabled by default)
This is the standard mini-map that we've included on most previous iterations of the modded server. If you choose to use one of the other map mods included, you'll need to disable this one. To do so, rename the file and put .disabled at the very end (after the .zip), so it looks like .zip.disabled. You can re-enable it at any time.

MouseTweaks (enabled by default)
This mod allows you to click and drag the mouse across an inventory to place items in a chest, retrieve them, and some other nifty things. Check the link for details. Disable as noted above if you wish.

*InventoryTweaks (enabled by default)
This mod allows you to sort inventories.

*Opis+MapWriter and Mobius Core (disabled by default)
This is the Direwolf20 map that he uses in his Let's Play Season 6. It's is a new type of map that allows you to group waypoints, see the entire explored map (rather than just the area you are in), among other cool things. It is packaged with Opis, which is a server admin utility, and requires Mobius Core to function. To turn on Opis, enable it by removing the .disabled from the end of the file name. Remember to enable Mobius Core as well or this won't work. -- If you want to use this, you will need to disable Zan's.

*Journeymap (disabled by default)
This is like the middle ground between Zan's and MapWriter. It allows you to make waypoints and see the whole map, but does not include the server admin tools that come with Opis, the grouping function, etc. It's just a clean map you can use to see all explored areas. Works much like dynmap but locally. Enabled by removing the .disabled from the end of the file name.

* Optifine (disabled by default)
This mod gives you finer control over your video settings, allowing you to turn on or off individual items, such as certain particles, certain animations, etc. This copy of Optifine has been edited to be compatible with Minecraft version 1.6.4. Enable by removing the .disabled from the end of the file name.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

MAJOR UPDATE: ScumPack v2.0!!

So, activity has been pretty low lately, and people have been talking about updating some of the mods (most notably, mekanism and Thaumcraft). I've spent the weekend downloading all the updated mods and going through the pack/configs to get a test server set up. We've also added a couple things and taken some things out. The main server is still active and up, nothing is changing there just yet. However, depending on what other changes are made, this will most likely mean a restart of the world.

ScumPack v2.0
Green items are new; blue items have been updated from the current server version to the latest stable version. Links will take you to the mod page to give you info about the mod.

Testing server mods list, config changes, etc.

We'll have this for a month but I don't expect it to take that long. Now is the time to let me know what additions/changes you want to see so we can test them out :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

ScumPack v1.1 changelog

- Fixed Metallurgy trading / Mariculture jewelry item ID conflicts and weirdness.
- Fixed Factorization machine / Project: Red multipart item ID conflicts.
- Updated to Mystcaft v0.10.12.01 (from v0.10.11.00) since it was labeled "hotfix" and assumed crucial.
- Updated to OpenBlocks v1.2.4 (from v1.2.2) to fix a crucial issue with gravestones.
(NOTE: previous change, now implemented in linked download.)
- After testing, removed Galacticraft and all associated dependencies.
(NOTE: back-up was made in case ETL wants to revert.)

ScumPack mods list

AE - *Applied Energistics
AE - ExtraCells
Archimedes Ships
Ars Magica 2
Bib - *BiblioCraft
Bib - BiblioWoods [BoP]
Bib - BiblioWoods [Forestry]
Bib - BiblioWoods [Natura]
Biomes of Plenty
Carpenters Blocks
Calc - *Calclavia Core
Calc - *Universal Electricity Core
Calc - Atomic Science
Calc - Resonant Induction

CB - *CodeChickenCore
CB - *CodeChickenLib
CB - ChickenChunks
CB - EnderStorage
CB - Translocator
CB - Wireless Redstone
CB / NEI - *NotEnoughItems
CB / NEI - Addons
CB / NEI - Plugins
CoFH - *CoFHCore
CoFH - Redstone Arsenal
CoFH - Thermal Expansion 3
Damage Indicators
Dimensonal Doors
Enchanting +
Forestry - Binnie's Mods
Forestry - Magic Bees
Forestry / den - denLib
Forestry / den - PluginsforForestry
Forge Multipart
Furniture Mod
iC - *iChun Util
iC - Attachable Grinder
iC - Hats
iC - Hatstand
iC - Morph
iC - Portal Gun
IC2 - *IndustrialCraft 2 (EXP)
IC2 - GravitationSuite
IC2 - GregTech
IC2 - NuclearControl
IDFix Minus
MDiyo - ExtraTiC
MDiyo - Natura
MDiyo - Tinker's Construct
MDiyo - Tinker's Mechworks
Mekanism (All Parts)
Metallurgy 3
Mic - *Micdoodle Core
Mic - GalactiCraft
Mic - GalactiCraft (Planets)

Myr - Flat Signs
Myr - ObsidiPlates
Myr - Switches
Open - *OpenMods Lib
Open - OpenBlocks
Open - OpenPeripheral
PC - *PowerCrystals Core
PC - MineFactory Reloaded
PC - Nether Ores
Project: Red (All Parts)
Reliquary by TrainerGuy22
Roguelike Dungeons Mod
Runic Dust (All Parts)
Soul Shards 2
TC4 - *Thaumcraft 4
TC4 - Mob Aspects
TC4 / TT - Thaumic Tinker
TC4 / TT - Thaumic Tinker KAMI
The Twilight Forest
What Am I Looking At
Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod
Zan's MiniMap

Getting Started and Troubleshooting

Getting Started
Please come visit us on IRC if you have questions. There is usually someone there who can help you. Check the troubleshooting steps below first.

Click screenshots to see a larger image. 
1. Download the pack:

See the sidebar for links. Save it to your desktop, or somewhere easy to find. Unzip it. Inside the mods zip will be a folder called mods. Inside the config zip will be a folder called config. Inside the client-side mods will be a collection of mod files. Instructions on what to do with these are below as you continue with this process.

2. Download and install MultiMC 5:
This is a launcher that allows you to load the mods with Minecraft. After installing it, open the program and update it if necessary.

3. Create an instance in MultiMC:

Once you've opened and updated MMC, you'll see the following screen:

In the top right, click the Accounts button. Select Manage Accounts. Another window will open. 

Click the Add button on the right, and enter your Minecraft username or email, and your password. Then click OK. Then click Close to close the settings window.

Create a new instance by clicking the paper icon with the star in the top left. A new window will open.

Give the instance a name that you can recognize. At the time of this writing, we are currently on ScumPack 4.0 so I've used that as an example. Then, click the the little ... button and scroll to find the current version of Minecraft that we are using (see sidebar). Select it and click OK. The last option is if you want to put the instance in a grouping. I have several instances for different things, and I put all the ScumPacks in a single group. You do not have to do this. You can leave it blank. When finished, click OK.

An icon will appear in the window called SP4 (or whatever you named it). If this is your first time using MultiMC, double click the icon to open it. This will allow MMC to download necessary files. After a few minutes, the game will start and you will see the game menu screen. Quit the game and continue with these steps. You're now ready to begin adding the mods to the instance.

4. Install Forge and update instance settings.
Right click on the instance icon and choose Edit Instance. A new window will open.

Click the Install Forge button on the right. It will take a second to load available versions of Forge. Select the version listed in the sidebar (should be the one at the top). Forge is what allows mods to access and edit the Minecraft game code, making it possible to play mods the way we do. Without this, the mods will not even load into the game. 

Click OK.

Select the Settings icon on the left to go to that section. Check the Java installation checkbox to gain access to these settings. Then click the Autodetect button. A new window will open.

It will take a second to determine which java options you have. They will then show up in the little window like the above screen shot. You should have at least two options here. Select the one that has 64 in the arch column. *If you do not have a 64 option, you will need to download it. See further below for java troubleshooting. Once you have selected the 64 option, click OK.

Next, check the Memory checkbox to open up those options.

Minimum memory allocation : 512 MB
Maximum memory allocation: 2048 MB
PermGen: 256 MB

These are the optimal settings to run a modded instance of Minecraft. This assumes that you have at least 3 GB of RAM available in your computer. If you only have 2 GB, set the max to 1024 MB.

Next, choose the Game windows tab at the top to go to those options.
Check the Console Settings checkbox to open the options, and then uncheck the box for "Automatically close console when game quits?". You can change this later, but if the game crashes without a crash report, we will need to know what happened. This allows the console window to remain open after the game quits so we can see the information. Plus you can upload screenshots directly from this window while in-game.

5. Add the mod files to the instance.
On the left, select the Loader mods icon to go to that section. Click the Add button in the top right. It will open a directory browser for you to select the files you want. This where you will navigate to where you saved the unzipped files. Open the mods folder that you unzipped and select all the files inside it. CTRL + A will do this for you. Then click Open at the bottom. It may take a moment to do this, as it is copying all the files into the instance folder. Allow it to do so. When the files show up in the window, move on to the next step.

ALTERNATE METHOD: Some people have reported a strange issue with some mods not being loaded using the Add button. Another way to add the mods is to copy and paste the files from the download directly to the mods folder. This folder can be found by right clicking on the instance icon, and selecting "Instance folder". 

6. Add client-side mods.
This is optional for those who are familiar with client-side mods. If you are new to modded Minecraft, it is highly recommended that you just use the mods provided. Client-side mods are mods that do not need to be installed on the server, and are therefore optional. They are "personalized" mods. Things like the minimap, item indicators, mouse utilities, etc. that make the game easier to handle or run. 

Follow the instructions from step 5 to add these mod files, but this time, select the files provided in the client-side mods folder that you downloaded and unzipped. When finished, click Close.

7. Add the config files to the instance. 
You should be back on the main MultiMC screen now. Go to the unzipped config files folder that you downloaded and open it. Select and copy all the files inside it. CTRL + A will select them all for you and CTRL + C will copy them. In MMC, right click on the instance icon and select Config folder. It will open the config folder for the instance. Click inside it and paste the files you copied. CTRL + V will do this.

8. Start it up and join the server!
You are now ready to load up the instance. Double click the instance icon to start it up. If it crashes or something bad happens, come to the IRC channel for help.

When the game loads, select Multiplayer from the main menu. Click Add Server. Put in a name that you can recognize for the server, and the IP address from the sidebar on the right of this page. Click join when you are ready to play. :)

The following troubleshooting steps are for when Minecraft crashes before ever getting to the Minecraft game menu ONLY! If you are reaching the game menu, but unable to connect to the server, then you are having mod issues and need to get specific help from IRC. After each of the following steps, you should be trying to load the instance. Don't do multiple things and then load because one thing could fix it and another could break it again.

1) Double check all steps first! Make sure permgen is set to 256.

2) You could be having java issues.
    - Check the version you currently have and make sure it is the most recent, recommended version. Click here to do that. If it is out of date, it will prompt you to update it. Follow the instructions to do so and then try starting up the instance again. *NOTE! MultiMC and Minecraft has issues with JRE 8 (Java 8). You must downgrade to Java 7. 

    - You might have an older version of Java installed. Sometimes, an older version of Java will not cause any problems until an update. You should still uninstall any old version as they can conflict and cause weird issues. Do that here.

    - Windows 7/8 specific issue! These two OS's run BOTH 32 bit and 64 bit Java. You need to have both! Get them here. Make sure your computer is 64-bit by clicking My Computer and selecting Properties. If you have 32-bit Windows, you may not be able to run this modpack, unfortunately. 

    - Now that you have checked your versions and made sure you have the right one(s) installed, check which Java your MultiMc instance is using. To do this, right click the icon and choose Settings. Go to the Java tab, and click the check box for Java Settings. Then, click the Auto-detect button, and choose the 64-bit Java (for Win7/8!) If you don't know which one that is, choose one and start up the instance. Try each until something changes.

3) You might be having RAM issues. Ideal running RAM for Minecraft is between 1 GB (1024 MB) and 2.5 GB (2560 MB). There is a setting in the Java tab (under settings in MultiMC) that allows you to adjust this setting. The max should NOT BE MORE than HALF your available RAM, and then min should not be less than 512 MB. (If you don't know how much RAM you have, Google "how much RAM do I have" and there are websites that can read your specs.)

4) If you have exhausted these steps and STILL cannot get on the server, there is no hope. (JK, come see us in IRC.)


Because quicktopic kind of sucks for this sort of thing. And this is easier for me.