

Sunday, March 16, 2014

MAJOR UPDATE: ScumPack v2.0!!

So, activity has been pretty low lately, and people have been talking about updating some of the mods (most notably, mekanism and Thaumcraft). I've spent the weekend downloading all the updated mods and going through the pack/configs to get a test server set up. We've also added a couple things and taken some things out. The main server is still active and up, nothing is changing there just yet. However, depending on what other changes are made, this will most likely mean a restart of the world.

ScumPack v2.0
Green items are new; blue items have been updated from the current server version to the latest stable version. Links will take you to the mod page to give you info about the mod.

Testing server mods list, config changes, etc.

We'll have this for a month but I don't expect it to take that long. Now is the time to let me know what additions/changes you want to see so we can test them out :)

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