

Saturday, January 24, 2015

4.1-2 Config Update

Accidentally turned of all vanilla animations in the last update. That has been fixed and a new config file with the correction is uploaded. The link in the side bar has been updated. Simply backup and delete the old config file and replace it with this new one.

For those of you who just want to change it yourself, the option is in minecraft/config/cofh/client.cfg:

    # Set to false to disable all animated texutres in minecraft

    # Set to false to disable any particles from spawning in minecraft.

    # Set to false to disable rendering from sorting chunks

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Pack Update 4.1


The links in the sidebar are now current with the 4.1 update.

This update should help improve server performance as well as individual FPS for those of you who have had trouble with it. The visual/sound FX that were disabled are all re-enable-able in your own config. The released downloads will always match the server.

This will change your keybinds, so be prepared to reset them to whatever you want if you changed them from what was given originally. To apply update, backup then delete the config folder and the mods folder in your instance directory. Then add the new downloads. 


  • Update Thaumic Tinkerer to version 2.5-1.7.10-440 to resolve crash caused by osmotic enchanter.
  • Updated Tinker's Construct to 1.8.2 to resolve some bugs (and hopefully the TE-specific metal tools not being repairable). Actually forgot this one, so it will go in the next update.
  • Turned off graphic/sound FX for the following mods: TE, EIO, Forestry, Gendustry, Railcraft, Botania, Extra Utilities, Mekanism, ProjectRed, Thaumcraft
  • Adjusted Blood Magic LP HUD. 
  • Turned off mob name dumping in EIO as it is no longer needed.
  • Enabled Big Reactors graphite coal/charcoal crafting recipes.
  • Increased EIO travel anchor distance from 48 to 64.
  • Disabled all TF biome pages for MystCraft because they cause crashes (like the one M was in).
  • Reduced max number of entities a soul cage can spawn from 80 to 50.
  • Tried to remove Colourful Portals mod, could not. Just don't use them please. I will find a way to get rid of this thing. 
  • Disabled Natura clouds - they will no longer generate in new chunks or myst ages. 
  • Disabled taint spread completely.
  • Increased TC golem tick check from 5 to 10.
  • Reduced TC notifications from 15 to 8.
  • Moved wand dial display to bottom left (client-side option - you can change it if you like).
  • Updated pack version on title screen.
  • Added RS Arsenal 1.1.0RC1-19

Monday, January 19, 2015

Attempting to fix lag

Please update your config file by deleting the one you have, and replacing it with this one.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Ender Storage and Portal Codes


With many new players, I feel it's necessary we start keeping track of the color codes people have chosen.

Usually, white codes are reserved for server use. For example, the white-white-white coded ender chest is reserved for inter-server trading. The white-white-white ender tank is for public lava. (Not white, but blue-blue-blue is usually set up for public water.)

With Enhanced Portals mod, any location code beginning with DIAMOND is reserved for the server.

For ender storage, people choose a color and each code that begins with that color belongs to that person. I'll put a link to this post in the sidebar for reference.

Ender storage beginning with the following colors belong to these people:
Pink: ETL
Grey: Gabe
Black: SeriousYes
Orange: JLohman711
White: Server
Light Blue:
Light Grey: wgeurts

Colors can be shared by selecting a second color for the second spot.

Enhanced Portal codes beginning with the following items belong to these people:

Nether star: Gabe/Osota
Diamond: Server
Ruby: ETL
Eye of ender: wguerts
Glowstone dust:
Redstone dust:
Iron ingot:
Gold nugget:
Blaze powder: SeriousYes
Fire charge: jmj3000
Magma cream:
Ghast tear:
Bottle o' enchanting:
Golden carrot: cinnanexus
Glistening melon:
Golden apple:
Pumpkin pie:
Creeper head:
Horse armor: Archreplicator

Sunday, January 11, 2015

ScumPack 4.0 is LIVE!

The new modpack for Minecraft 1.7.10 is ready and loaded on a 4 GB server. The SP3 world will be uploaded sometime this week so you can download it.

The server info in the sidebar on the right of the page has been updated. Follow the instructions in the installation post to set up your SP4 instance. Come to the IRC ( #mafiacraft) if you need help. 

Some notes:
- EiraIRC is not functioning properly just yet. IRC is muted to the in-game chat. Blay09 is working on it and said he's going to post an update later today. This means if you go to the IRC, people in the game will not see what you are saying, for now. This is now fixed! :D

- Just a reminder about MystCraft ages: as we have in the past, players may only have 3 ages at a time. I will be deleting unregistered ages on Sundays, so if you have one that you want to keep, please let me know the age number. Other ages you make that you don't want to keep can be deleted automatically. Just throw the linking book in lava or an Extra Utilities trash can and it will be taken care of. 

Other than that, we're good to go. Have fun!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Test server back online

After a blip due to running out of space, the test server is back with the following changes to the pack:

- Removed Sanguimancy
- Added Pam's HarvestCraft (see doc for link to download)

You do not need a new config file at this time.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

SP4 Test Server

A test server is available!

Download the pack linked in the doc. REMOVE EiraIRC!

Test server IP
(Everyone should be in creative when they join - spawn stuff in and do your best to break things!)

Now with 100% more Dynmap!