

Sunday, January 11, 2015

ScumPack 4.0 is LIVE!

The new modpack for Minecraft 1.7.10 is ready and loaded on a 4 GB server. The SP3 world will be uploaded sometime this week so you can download it.

The server info in the sidebar on the right of the page has been updated. Follow the instructions in the installation post to set up your SP4 instance. Come to the IRC ( #mafiacraft) if you need help. 

Some notes:
- EiraIRC is not functioning properly just yet. IRC is muted to the in-game chat. Blay09 is working on it and said he's going to post an update later today. This means if you go to the IRC, people in the game will not see what you are saying, for now. This is now fixed! :D

- Just a reminder about MystCraft ages: as we have in the past, players may only have 3 ages at a time. I will be deleting unregistered ages on Sundays, so if you have one that you want to keep, please let me know the age number. Other ages you make that you don't want to keep can be deleted automatically. Just throw the linking book in lava or an Extra Utilities trash can and it will be taken care of. 

Other than that, we're good to go. Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Superbly written article, if only all bloggers offered the same content as you, the internet would be a far better place..
    Minecraft Server List
